Need an If/Then formula for this

JPFisher ✭✭
edited 07/12/23 in Formulas and Functions

IF "Staff or Freelance" column is "Freelance" then I want to multiply In Rate * Planned Hours and have the result show in the "Freelance Cost" column. if it's "Staff" there should 0 value in the "Freelance Cost"


Best Answer

  • Itai Perez
    Itai Perez ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @JPFisher,

    Have you tried an IF formula in the Freelance cost column?

    It will be like this: =IF([Staff or Freelance]@row = "Staff", 0, [In Rate]@row * [Planned Hours]@row)

    I hope I understood correctly.

    Let me know if it works for you!

    Itai Perez

    If you found my comment helpful any reaction, Insightful, Awsome etc... would be appreciated🙂


  • Itai Perez
    Itai Perez ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @JPFisher,

    Have you tried an IF formula in the Freelance cost column?

    It will be like this: =IF([Staff or Freelance]@row = "Staff", 0, [In Rate]@row * [Planned Hours]@row)

    I hope I understood correctly.

    Let me know if it works for you!

    Itai Perez

    If you found my comment helpful any reaction, Insightful, Awsome etc... would be appreciated🙂

  • Thanks - I just couldn't get it and that did the trick!

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