Adding Looking inbetween Two Dates

EMueller ✭✭
edited 07/13/23 in Formulas and Functions


I have this code below and am trying to add if: column x and y are between 1/1/24 and 12/31/24.

=COUNTIFS({GDP Project Tracker Range 5}, "<0.05", {GDP Project Tracker Range 2}, "HSB", {GDP Project Tracker Range 3}, OR(@cell = "Active", @cell = "Launched", @cell = "Planned"))

Please let me know and any help would be appreciated!

Thank you :)


  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion

    This assumes column x and column y are both in the same sheet as the formula.

    =COUNTIFS({GDP Project Tracker Range 5}, "<0.05", {GDP Project Tracker Range 2}, "HSB", [column x]@row, YEAR(@cell) = 2024, [column y]@row, YEAR(@cell) = 2024, {GDP Project Tracker Range 3}, OR(@cell = "Active", @cell = "Launched", @cell = "Planned"))

  • Thank you so much. If this was to be changed to be an OR thing: Either column x OR column y fall within that date?

    How would this be done?

  • @Carson Penticuff

    Thank you so much. If this was to be changed to be an OR thing: Either column x OR column y fall within that date?

    How would this be done?

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion

    There may be a more elegant solution, but this will work.

    =COUNTIFS({GDP Project Tracker Range 5}, "<0.05", {GDP Project Tracker Range 2}, "HSB", [column x]@row, YEAR(@cell) = 2024,{GDP Project Tracker Range 3}, OR(@cell = "Active", @cell = "Launched", @cell = "Planned")) + COUNTIFS({GDP Project Tracker Range 5}, "<0.05", {GDP Project Tracker Range 2}, "HSB", [column y]@row, YEAR(@cell) = 2024, {GDP Project Tracker Range 3}, OR(@cell = "Active", @cell = "Launched", @cell = "Planned"))

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