I need a formula that looks at 2 different columns to determine if the project is Closed or Open

Newbie here...

I have 2 columns that are formatted for the green, red, yellow, and gray dot symbols. I am only using the Green, Red, and Gray dots.

The first column is "1st Half or Full Invoice". The second column is "2nd Half Invoice"

Green = Paid; Red = Not Paid; Gray = NA

In both columns, if there are only green or grey dots, then the project is Closed.

But if there is a red dot in either column then the project is Open.

I need a formula that will show that. any ideas?


  • Ramzi
    Ramzi ✭✭✭✭✭

    Try this - add a new "helper" column with formula =LEFT([1st Half Column]@row,1) + LEFT([2nd Half Column]@row,1)

    Make that column a Column Formula. Values in that column would be one of the following "GG", "GR", "RG", or "RR"

    Your formula in your "Status" column would be: =IF([Helper Column]@row = "GG", "Closed", "Open")

    I hope that helps.



    Smartsheet Solutions Architect


  • Hollie Green
    Hollie Green ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    =IF(COUNTIF([1st Half or Full Invoice]@row, "Red") + COUNTIF([2nd Half]@row, "Red") >= 1, "Open", "Closed")

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @GeorgiaRygiel,

    This should do what you're after:

    =IF(OR(AND([1st Half or Full Invoice]@row = "Green", [2nd Half Invoice]@row = "Green"), AND([1st Half or Full Invoice]@row = "Green", [2nd Half Invoice]@row = "Gray"), AND([1st Half or Full Invoice]@row = "Gray", [2nd Half Invoice]@row = "Gray")), "Closed", "Open")

    Sample data:

    Hope this helps - if I've got something mixed up or wrong, then just post and we should be able to sort it out! 😊

  • @NickKorna this was perfect!

    Thanks so much

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Nick Korna I think you may have missed an argument for Gray/Green, although I doubt based on context that 1st Half/Full would be "N/A" but a 2nd Half is needed.

    @GeorgiaRygiel Here's my simplified take. It basically says...

    If both are not blank,

    If one is red then it is open, otherwise it is closed.

    =IF(AND([1st Half or Full Invoice]@row <> "", [2nd Half]@row <> ""), IF(OR([1st Half or Full Invoice]@row = "Red", [2nd Half]@row = "Red"), "Open", "Closed"))

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