Hi, I am trying to do a SUMIFS, and I keep getting incorrect argument set

I have a column called Actual Charges I want to sum if the column SOW Reference has "IPO PMO" in it. I thought I was following the syntax and reduced to only one criteria. I do have other criteria, too. Please see formula below. I also wanted to sum the whole column Actual Charges, but it seems to only capture the column if I stop at 60. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

=SUMIFS([Actual Charges]2:[Actual Charges]60, [SOW Reference]:[SOW Reference], "IPO PMO")

Best Answer

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    I assume you have a header or something similar in row 1, and that is why you are starting in row 2? If you designate rows, you must use it on the range to sum as well as the ranges to evaluate.

    =SUMIFS([Actual Charges]2:[Actual Charges]60, [SOW Reference]2:[SOW Reference]60, "IPO PMO")

    If you specify rows, those rows must also exist. If you want to evaluate all rows except for row 1, so specify [Actual Charges]2:[Actual Charges]2000, you will get an error if there are not 2000 rows in the sheet.

    You should also be able to add additional conditions/rows to evaluate as well.


  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    I assume you have a header or something similar in row 1, and that is why you are starting in row 2? If you designate rows, you must use it on the range to sum as well as the ranges to evaluate.

    =SUMIFS([Actual Charges]2:[Actual Charges]60, [SOW Reference]2:[SOW Reference]60, "IPO PMO")

    If you specify rows, those rows must also exist. If you want to evaluate all rows except for row 1, so specify [Actual Charges]2:[Actual Charges]2000, you will get an error if there are not 2000 rows in the sheet.

    You should also be able to add additional conditions/rows to evaluate as well.

  • Thank you, Carson! That was the problem. I was not evaluating the same number of rows...very tricky.

    I do have a header row. Thank you!

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion

    👍️ I'm glad I could help!

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