Changing MMDDYYYY date type column to YYYYMMDD format when referenced in another cell

The formula I currently have works to an extent, however, it omits the leading 0 on months and days. For instance, I get 2023-8-14 instead of 2023-08-14. Is there any way to add the zero?

Here's what I have right now:

=IFERROR(YEAR([Invoiced Date]@row) + "-" + MONTH([Invoiced Date]@row) + "-" + DAY([Invoiced Date]@row) + " " + Make@row + " " + Model@row + " " + [Stock#]@row, "")

Best Answer

  • JamesB
    JamesB ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/14/23 Answer ✓


    This formula will check if the Invoiced Date isblank and leave the cell blank if true. IF false it will check the Month and Date formulas to be less then 2 characters long and add the leading 0 if needed.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Invoiced Date]@row), "", YEAR([Invoiced Date]@row) + IF(LEN(MONTH([Invoiced Date]@row)) < 2, "-0", "-") + MONTH([Invoiced Date]@row) + IF(LEN(DAY([Invoiced Date]@row)) < 2, "-0", "-") + DAY([Invoiced Date]@row))


  • JamesB
    JamesB ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/14/23 Answer ✓


    This formula will check if the Invoiced Date isblank and leave the cell blank if true. IF false it will check the Month and Date formulas to be less then 2 characters long and add the leading 0 if needed.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Invoiced Date]@row), "", YEAR([Invoiced Date]@row) + IF(LEN(MONTH([Invoiced Date]@row)) < 2, "-0", "-") + MONTH([Invoiced Date]@row) + IF(LEN(DAY([Invoiced Date]@row)) < 2, "-0", "-") + DAY([Invoiced Date]@row))

  • RossG
    RossG ✭✭✭

    It's a miracle! I would have never figured that out! 😁 Thank you

  • JamesB
    JamesB ✭✭✭✭✭✭

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