Tableau Embed in WorkApps Error


I did this a long time ago and put notes on how I did it in OneNote. I just tried to do it in another WorkApps the same way and it gives me an error.

I am trying to embed a tableau dashboard into WorkApps. We do have online not public.

I tried my original solution where I added &iframeSizedToWindow=true&:embed=y to the end of the regular share link (1st link below). It didn't work. so, I tried all 4 links below with and without the &iframeSizedToWindow=true&:embed=y added to the end. I get the below two errors.

Has anyone figured out how to successfully do this? Any help would be much appreciated.

<script type='module' src=''></script><tableau-viz id='tableau-viz' src='' width='1366' height='818' toolbar='bottom' ></tableau-viz>

<tableau-vizid="tableauViz" src=''></tableau-viz>
