Duplicate Row

CaraBart28 ✭✭✭✭
edited 09/20/23 in Formulas and Functions

UPDATE: I figured it out :)


I am trying to get a row to duplicate if one column meets certain criteria. So if the cuff size is listed as large we need to duplicate the row to let the vendor know there is an additional item to be ordered, which has a separate SKU and price, how would I go about doing this? If Cuff size is large, they would have a row for standard, as well as a row for large...see screenshot for reference, there should be two rows with the information from row 4, one row would be standard cuff an one row for large cuff...

The customer fills out the form and selects either standard or large, if they select large we need it to duplicate the row and have the size also be listed as standard as it is two separate items to be ordered. Customers who submit the form automatically receive the standard size cuff and the large cuff is separately ordered.


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