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Information in cells mysteriously disappears

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

When my smartsheet is open and I am not doing any editing, I find that cells mysteriously empty themselves and are marked as changed.

The RYG balls also just disappear in the priority column and are marked as a change.

Sometimes it is impossible to restore the information as it keeps reverting to being deleted.

Only one person edits this sheet at a time. It is not a multi-user editing environment.

I use the google chrome browser to view smartsheet.

I'm sure I read about this issue before but cannot find anything in the archives.



  • Hello hubermel—

    Right-click on one of those blank cells and select View Cell History. Are you marked as the person that made the change? (Even though you didn't manually edit the cell.)

    Is this only happening in the RYG column or is it in random cells in your sheet? If it's randomly occurring and you see that you're being logged in the cell history as the person that made the changes, then a Chrome extension, a third party app, or your computer equipment may be causing the random deletions. We've heard that Logitech equipment can sometimes cause this, as well as third party apps that mimic keystrokes like Caffeine.

    If so, are there formulas in your RYG column that could be returning a blank value?

    If none of the above, are there cell links in the RYG column? (You'll see a grey or blue arrow in the cell if it's cell linked.) If you see cell links, then the changes are coming from a different sheet. Details on cell links here.

    Otherwise, if the above doesn't help you troubleshoot, please contact our Support team and troubleshoot with them further.

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