Crossing Multiple Colum's on a Different Sheet



  • A.Valadez

    Good morning Genevieve,

    I am making headway I believe but not getting the correct information just yet. I am getting a new error. I am not sure I understand how this will check all of the departments listed. Each department in the column titled Dept Requesting is different (approx. 12 variations). I would like to know what number of items were completed for each department in either an overall percentage or physical number.

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hey @A.Valadez

    This formula is correct! 🙂

    The error is because the COUNT that you're dividing by is returning 0, meaning that what text you have in the Description cell to the left of the formula does not have any matching rows in your Project Tracker sheet.

    If you just want the physical number then you can take out the divided by part of the formula:

    =COUNTIFS({2. Project Tracker Range 1}, Description@row, {Task Tracker Range 2}, "Complete")

  • A.Valadez

    Good morning Genevieve,

    Unforntatly I was unable to solve this but found a work around inside the sheet summary. Thank you for all your help!

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