Unify number format to certain number of digits, no display

Hello Smart Heads!

I hope you are doing great!

Thanks for great support so far! I am facing another issue, this time with number format.

In my sheet, I have various calculations in place, including % and others. Thus, I sometimes end up with numbers having non-zero digits in the 3+ place after (.). In other words:

These numbers are later-on used for futher calculations. As a results, I observe discrepancies, even for potentially the same values.

Desired outcome would be to ensure that the calculation's result is always in X.XX format. Please note, that we are not talkich here aboout "Increase / Decrease Decimal" option:

Eventhough, we change the display / view over the number, in the calculation we are using all digits available.

As for now, the only option I see, is a helper column, which identifies dot: ( . ) and provide numbers before it and 2 digits after it.

Is there any other potential solution for this?

Thank you guys in advance!


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