Nested If


I'm trying to create a nested if statement (below) and have tried each of the if statements individually and they are all work fine.

However, once I combine the statements in the nested if statement is returns #UNPARSEABLE

IFERROR(IF([Engagement : Currency]@row = “AUD”, [Engagement : Engagement value]@row * 0.64, IF([Engagement : Currency]@row = “SGD”, [Engagement : Engagement value]@row *, IF ([Engagement : Currency]@row = “USD”, [Engagement : Engagement value]@row, 0))), "ERROR!")

Appreciate any advice.

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @David.Chau

    Can you show the formula open in the cell in Smartsheet?

    Something I'm noticing in your formula pasted into the Community is that the quotes are curved:  AUD versus straight:  "AUD"

    Smartsheet requires quotes to be straight " so if you're copy/pasting in the formula then the curved quotes will cause it to error. Try manually typing in the quotes instead to see if that helped!



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  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness Overachievers

    Hi @David.Chau

    Looking at the formula it looks like something is missing.

    IFERROR(IF([Engagement : Currency]@row = “AUD”, [Engagement : Engagement value]@row * 0.64, IF([Engagement : Currency]@row = “SGD”, [Engagement : Engagement value]@row *HERE, IF ([Engagement : Currency]@row = “USD”, [Engagement : Engagement value]@row, 0))), "ERROR!")

    Where I entered HERE you have the formula needing to multiply but the multiplier is missing?

    Does it work once you add the multiplier in?

    Hope that helps



  • Hi Paul,

    Thanks for looking at the issue, unfortunately fixing the missing rate does not help with the fix - still #UNPARSEABLE

    IFERROR(IF([Engagement : Currency]@row = “AUD”, [Engagement : Engagement value]@row * 0.64, IF([Engagement : Currency]@row = “SGD”, [Engagement : Engagement value]@row * 0.70, IF([Engagement : Currency]@row = “USD”, [Engagement : Engagement value]@row, 0))), "ERROR!")

    I also applied the individual formula to ensure it's wasn't a data type issue.

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @David.Chau

    Can you show the formula open in the cell in Smartsheet?

    Something I'm noticing in your formula pasted into the Community is that the quotes are curved:  AUD versus straight:  "AUD"

    Smartsheet requires quotes to be straight " so if you're copy/pasting in the formula then the curved quotes will cause it to error. Try manually typing in the quotes instead to see if that helped!



    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • Hi Genevieve,

    Thanks - that solved the issue 😀 👍️

    Hope Smartsheet team can add the switch function soon.


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