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Adding Predecessor That Includes Lag via API

edited 12/05/23 in API & Developers

I'm able to add predecessors to rows via API (PUT and URI https://api.smartsheet.com/2.0/sheets/{sheet ID}/rows), but am unable to add a lag value to the objectValue.

I referenced: Is there any way to add or update the Predecessors column value by C# or Rest Api? — Smartsheet Community to build this. Kudos to @Genevieve P. for your responses in that thread!

Body I am using:


 "id": {row ID},

 "cells": [


  "columnId": {column ID},

  "objectValue": {

   "objectType": "PREDECESSOR_LIST",

   "predecessors": [


    "rowId": {predecessor row ID},

    "type": "SS"



    "rowId": {predecessor row ID},

    "type": "FS"








This is working and adding the predecessors, but I cannot figure out how to add lag. I attempted to use a "lag" tag, but it was rejected as not recognized. Is there a way to accomplish this?


  • Community Champion

    Have you tried something like...

      "rowId": {predecessor row ID},

        "type": "FS + 3d"

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Paul Newcome

    I tried without success. Returned that the value was not expected for "type". I found some old documentation that indicated I could use "Lag", but it didn't work either. I tried "lag" as well, and it didn't recognize either as a valid parameter.

  • ✭✭✭✭
    edited 12/08/23

    This is what finally worked using the Update Rows call (PUT, sheets/{sheet id}/rows.


      "id": "5830513915367300",




            "columnId": 7025938211491716,



                "objectType": "PREDECESSOR_LIST",




                      "rowId": 201014381154180,

                      "type": "FS", 



                          "objectType": "DURATION", 

                          "days": 1




                      "rowId": 4704614008524676,

                      "type": "SS"







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