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Please Help =IF(SUMIFS (Returning #Incorrect Argument Set)


IF(SUMIFS(Status2, "WON", [Probability Hit Rate]2, "1", [Value Of Jobs]2))


  • Mitch.Shaffer
    Mitch.Shaffer ✭✭
    edited 07/17/17

    Remove the IF statement at the beginning, move the sum range to the first part of the formula (Value of Jobs), and change the criteria to a range.

    =SUMIFS([Value Of Jobs]:[Value Of Jobs], [Status]:[Status], "WON", [Probability Hit Rate]:[Probability Hit Rate], "1")

  • Thanks Mitch for your help. Two quick questions if i could please ...

    Cell returns $0.00, if i need it to return blank cell ("")

    =SUMIFS([Value Of Jobs]2:[Value Of Jobs]100, Status2:Status100, "WON", [Probability Hit Rate]2:[Probability Hit Rate]100, "1")

    Left out thrid criterion, when added in #UNPARSEABLE

    =SUMIFS(Value Of Jobs]2:[Value Of Jobs]100, [Assigned Too]2:[Assigned Too]100,”Heath”,[Status2:Status100, "WON", [Probability Hit Rate]2:[Probability Hit Rate]100, "1")

    Thanks for your help Mitch


  • Give this a try.

    =IF(SUMIFS([Value Of Jobs]2:[Value Of Jobs]100, [Status2]2:[Status2]100, "WON", [Assigned To]2:[Assigned To]100, "Heath", [Probability Hit Rate]2:[Probability Hit Rate]100, "1") = 0, "", (SUMIFS([Value Of Jobs]2:[Value Of Jobs]100, [Status2]2:[Status2]100, "WON", [Assigned To]2:[Assigned To]100, "Heath", [Probability Hit Rate]2:[Probability Hit Rate]100, "1")))

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