Formula for lookup against concatenate

looking to populate a date from another sheet if a match of the unique ID is found on the other sheet.

So sheet A has date column and unique ID column. Sheet B has the same unique ID column but the date is populated in the date column. So I want to bring the date into into Sheet A if a match of the unique ID exists. For further context, when the date column on sheet A is populated with any value, the row will be sent to another sheet, archived basically. I have created the concatenate in it's own column, but I also know that I could do it within the same formula and avoid the extra column.

Not sure if this is just a vlookup or a combination if and match or something?

Tried the following with an incorrect argument error:

=VLOOKUP({unique Id Concat}, [Dist name+Branch Name+Dist Cust Acct #]@row, {Date sent to ITN})

also tried this one with the invalid column value error.

=IF(COUNTIFS({unique Id Concat}, [Dist name+Branch Name+Dist Cust Acct #]@row), {Date sent to ITN}, 0)

Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Once you confirm the INDEX/MATCH is working as expected, you can wrap it in an IFERROR to replace errors with blanks. I don't normally do that right away because it needs to be removed for trouble shooting if it isn't working the first try.

    =IFERROR(index/match, "")

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