is there a way to report by Phase or Functional Area and Status



  • DLanca
    DLanca ✭✭

    ok very strange, on a different sheet I had to use semi-colons... (I must have had a different region set up) - I changed the formula using commas and it works. However, now I get a #NO MATCH error.

    The date in the cell I am referencing [End Date]@row is 19/06/24. This date also exists in the {Mars Period Calendar 2024 Range 1}

    I don't understand why it is not finding it. In the Mars Period Calendar excel that I have imported into smartsheet I have set the column with dates as a type Date. The smartsheet cell I am referencing is the default End Date in smartsheet column.

  • DLanca
    DLanca ✭✭

    it is strange because on a different project sheet it only worked with semi-colon, now I changed it to commas and it works.

    However, there is now a #NO MATCH error.

    The cell I am accessing in [End Date]@row, is the standard smartsheet End Date column filed type Date. The date in this cell is 19/06/24. The Excel spreadsheet that I am using and importing into smartsheet {Mars Period Calendar 2024 Range 1} includes the date 19/06/24 and the Date column in the Calendar sheet is also field type date.

    So I am not sure why it is not finding a match?

  • DLanca
    DLanca ✭✭

    I get  a #NO MATCH error regardless of using true or false in the formula...

  • DLanca
    DLanca ✭✭

    I swapped the Period and Date columns around so that the Period is the first column and Date is the second column. I still get the @NO MATCH error.

    However when I do a formula =COUNTIF({Mars Period Calendar 2024 Range 2}, [End Date]@row) - it returns 1 match. So the COUNTIF is working after swapping the columns. It returned 0 when Date was the first column and Period the second column.

  • DLanca
    DLanca ✭✭

    any idea what to do? I even changed the dates to numbers and it still does now find a match...