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Task text disappearing when highlighted for a few seconds

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Has anyone seen task text disappearing if you keep cursor on the field for a few seconds?

There was an discussion created for this issue in the past and was resolved due to caffeine application.  I do not have caffeine installed.  Any help will be appreciated?



  • Hello,

    There could be another application or piece of hardware doing this. We've seen Logitech equipment causes issues similar to this. If you have a Logitech keyboard or mouse, try replacing them to see if you get different results.

    I'd also recommend shutting off any other apps to see if you have another application causing interference with Smartsheet.

    You may also try another browser and disable extensions in your browser to help isolate the issue.

    If you're still running into issues after trying the above, contact our Support team to troubleshoot further.

This discussion has been closed.