

Hi. I'm new to Smartsheet. Wondering if there was a template/formula that could assist with this problem? Say I have 10 building sites/projects and they are all staggered one week apart for commencement/completion over a 3 month period. I have a pipeline of projects that I can't start/bring online, until the next project is finished and so on. I use precedents, but it's the limit of 10 going at any time that makes this difficult to forecast/view/manage... Any suggestions on how I can set this up? TIA!😊


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @TJ44

    I would suggest checking out the PMO template set. It's quite advanced if you're new, but there's an explanation on the side that may be helpful.

    In the Project Intake sheet you would have a rollup of each Building Site / Project, but the Project Plan sheet would be the detailed steps per-project. Then the Dashboard rollup can give you an overview.

    If you build out your own version from scratch, I'm sure we can help you set up formula to display on a Dashboard... for example the COUNT of how many projects are "In Progress" versus "Not Started" etc.



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