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Highlight Row if column is "true" and date is 7 days greater than....

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Access 2007... I am creating a report tracking spreadsheet. Basically consists of a column of report numbers (column A) and then different locations that report may be sent to with a checkbox column... if checked, the column next to it displays date it was checked. I would like to highlight a row if the report has not been "checked" as filed withing 7 days of the first check mark.... first check is D2 (check mark) with date populating in E2. "Filed" column is X2 for check mark and Y2 for populated date.  Time clock would only start ticking if a date is added in E2 and there is not a file date (or checkmark) in X or Y2.  I have gotten parts of formulas to work but nothing close to what I need. thanks for any help.  

Capture part one.JPG

Capture part two.JPG


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