
I have some sheet formulas that were working but once I made a few updates, not all return the #NO MATCH error. It's a simple COUNTIF formula that references a cell that populates from a VLOOKUP. When I recreated the formula on another blank sheet, it works fine but, as you can see below, the sheet formula will not work. Any help?

Best Answer

  • Linda Manduchova
    Linda Manduchova ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @SASardy

    COUNTIFS function should not return a NO MATCH error since it's not matching anything, unless one of the columns you're referencing has an error!

    Even if just one cell has a formula error and you reference the entire column (including that one cell), the current formula will produce the same error.

    Try wrapping an IFERROR around all your other formulas:

    =IFERROR(formula, "")

    This should then resolve your COUNTIFs formula looking at those other columns.



  • Linda Manduchova
    Linda Manduchova ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @SASardy

    COUNTIFS function should not return a NO MATCH error since it's not matching anything, unless one of the columns you're referencing has an error!

    Even if just one cell has a formula error and you reference the entire column (including that one cell), the current formula will produce the same error.

    Try wrapping an IFERROR around all your other formulas:

    =IFERROR(formula, "")

    This should then resolve your COUNTIFs formula looking at those other columns.


  • SASardy
    SASardy ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you!

    I brought some new data in and didn't realize a few of the cells had different info in them. When I wrapped the IFERROR around everything with a VLOOKUP, it fixed everything!

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