Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Countif vs countifs with date between two dates

Hi team,

Can someone help me with this issue.

This formula works:

=COUNTIF({NL Daily Error Log Date}, >=[Start date month]@row)

This formula does not work (invalid operation):

=COUNTIFS({NL Daily Error Log Date}, {NL Daily Error Log Date} >= [Start date month]@row, {NL Daily Error Log Date} <= [Start date month]@row)

And this one does not work either (unparseable)

=COUNTIFS({NL Daily Error Log row no}, {NL Daily Error Log Date},>=[Start date month]@row, {NL Daily Error Log Date},<=[End date month]@row))

Can someone help me make one of the 2 non-working ones work?

thanks so much in advance!



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