Formulas and Functions

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Combining IF and ISBLANK


I have these two formulas working separately on a four-color symbols column, but I cannot combine the two of them without getting error messages.

=IF(ISBLANK([M1 Completed Date]@row), "Gray")

=IF([Milestone Due Date 1]@row >= [M1 Completed Date]@row + 9, "Green", IF([Milestone Due Date 1]@row <= [M1 Completed Date]@row + 4, "Red", "Yellow"))

Could someone please help me put them together?

Thank you,


Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Ashley McAdoo


    =IF(ISBLANK([M1 Completed Date]@row), "Gray", IF([Milestone Due Date 1]@row >= [M1 Completed Date]@row + 9, "Green", IF([Milestone Due Date 1]@row <= [M1 Completed Date]@row + 4, "Red", "Yellow")))

    Gray is checked first, if M1 Completed is not blank then your G R Y formula is evaluated.


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