Compare CHILD cell value in a reference formula


Hello, I have two sheets: a tracker sheet and a metrics sheet. In the metrics sheet, I am trying to calculate a variety of metric values where I need to match a CHILD cell value to a value referenced in the tracker sheet.

Here is the current formula that works as is

=COUNTIFS({Activity}, "Decision", {University}, Category25, {Status}, "Pending", {TD - SD}, >=0, {TD - SD}, <30)

Here is the formula where I am trying to substitute CHILD for Category25 that returns an #UNPARSEABLE error

=COUNTIFS({Activity}, "Decision", {University}, CHILD([Pending Decisions]@row, {Status}, "Pending", {TD - SD}, >=0, {TD - SD}, <30)

Here is a screenshots of my Tracker sheet where the University column is referenced in the formula as {University}

Here is a screenshot of the Metrics sheet

I am trying, in the formula in the Last 30 Days column, to match Tracker sheet, University column value of "Averett" to the metric sheet PARENT Pending Decisions, CHILD value of Averett.

Thanks everyone for your help in advance?

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