SUMIFS and CONTAINS with column criteria, Within CONTAINS can a "Not Equal To" operator be used.


Hello all!!!

I am trying to modify a working equation "=SUMIFS([Task Ratio]:[Task Ratio], NeedsText:NeedsText, CONTAINS("Quick Win", @cell), AssignedText:AssignedText, CONTAINS("First.Last1", @cell))

The modification that I am attempting is to add another CONTAINS statement to the above. I am trying to add ....StatusText:StatusText, CONTAINS(<>"Complete", @cell). The whole function would then be:

=SUMIFS([Task Ratio]:[Task Ratio], NeedsText:NeedsText, CONTAINS("Quick Win", @cell), AssignedText:AssignedText, CONTAINS("First.Last1", @cell), StatusText:StatusText, CONTAINS(<>"Complete", @cell))

Smartsheet returns "#@Invalid Operation", is this because a different function needs to be used to compare a "Text String" i.e.: "Complete". I have tried different options but no luck.

Any assistance would be gratefully appreciated.




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