Column Adding up to a certain number


Hello, we are using Smartsheet to process our annual merit for all employees.

We have a column for Increase Amount - which will be a number value that the employees salary is being increased by. Since each manager will have a budget for their area, is there a way to set a trigger that if the values in that column go over a certain amount (say, 50,000) that it can flag the column? We are trying to find a way so the manager is aware they have gone over budget.


  • heyjay
    heyjay ✭✭✭✭✭

    You can use conditional formatting, which is this icon in the tool bar

    Or you can use a helper column with this formula,

    =IF([Increase Amount]@row > 50000 , "Yes", "No")
    =IF([Increase Amount]@row > 50000, "🚩", "👍")


  • Lauren S

    @heyjay - would this take into account all numbers in the column, though? the column might consist of 2000, 1000, 1500 - so I want it to flag once the total of all the numbers in the column go over 50,000.

  • heyjay
    heyjay ✭✭✭✭✭

    Oh, so not the row?

    =IF(SUM([Increase Amount]:[Increase Amount]) > 50000, "Yes", "No")


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