Formulas and Functions

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Inconsistent Formula Issue #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET error

edited 02/19/24 in Formulas and Functions


I am working in a sheet summary and I am using a formula to count the number and type of maintenance issues after a certain date.

My issue is that I am using the exact same formula in different fields in the sheet summary and only changing the text in a countifs formula. It works in some cases but not others.

For example, the following formula works great: =COUNTIFS(Category:Category, "NIBRS/Validation", [Completed **Notifies Agency**]:[Completed **Notifies Agency**], 1, [Date Resolved]:[Date Resolved], >=(DATE([Go Live Date in Formula Format]#)))

This formula throws an #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET error: =COUNTIFS(Category:Category, "User Knowledge/Training", [Completed **Notifies Agency**]:[Completed **Notifies Agency**], 1, [Date Resolved]:[Date Resolved], >=(DATE([Go Live Date in Formula Format]#)))

The date near the end seems to be the issue, but it is the same in both formulas. I am referencing another field in the sheet summary for the date, and when I enter the date manually it resolves my error.

The date field I am referencing has the date 2024,03,12, and it is created referencing another cell where the date is in the format 03/12/24 and I have used the formula ="20" + RIGHT([Go Live Estimate]#, 2) + "," + LEFT([Go Live Estimate]#, 2) + "," + MID([Go Live Estimate]#, 4, 2) to convert the date into the format YYYY,MM,DD.

I'm stumped and appreciate any help anyone can give.

Thank you



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