Archived 2017 Posts

Archived 2017 Posts

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Invalid response from JIRA. statusCode: 400 during Smartsheet for JIRA Workflow sync

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have set up a Smartsheet for JIRA Workflow and keep getting the below error message (screenshot also attached) for any rows created in Smartsheet (vs. ones originating in JIRA):

Invalid response from JIRA. statusCode: 400, reasonPhrase: Bad Request statusCode: 400, reasonPhrase: Bad Request

What I want to do is use Smartsheet web forms for our users to submit marketing requests, then sync these request from the Smartsheet rows to JIRA. I have tried setting up Workflows that automatically sync both ways as well as a manual one to copy news issues and updates from Smartsheet to JIRA, but so far I'm not having any luck.

Any ideas?



  • I also have the same issue, was working previously.

    I've tried this on a number of sheets and JIRA Projects



  • Employee

    Hello Joseph and Martin, 

    Please reach out to our Support Team with a Workflow Execution file that produced the 400 error so that we can investigate. 

    To do this, fill out the form here:

    To obtain a Workflow Execution file, click on the Last Run timestamp of the workflow in the connector and then click on the latest timestamp that erred. Then you can click on the stack menu icon in the upper left and choose Download Workflow Execution Support Info file. 


    Taylor | Smartsheet

    Tier 3 Support Escalation Engineer

    Work Better

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  • One follow-up to my original post that I wanted to emphasize: The sync works for issues that originated in JIRA; I can make updates in either JIRA or Smartsheet and the changes sync correctly. The issue is with rows created original in Smartsheet; these are NOT syncing properly and returning the statusCode: 400 error. Thanks.

  • Will do, thanks Taylor.

  • Got this issue figured out, so thanks. Basically it came down to making sure required fields in JIRA were mapped up with Smartsheet correctly and filled out. The next trick will be figuring out if the Smartsheet web form can include default values that will satisfy JIRA's requirements. Will see how that goes...

This discussion has been closed.

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