Formulas and Functions

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Date Format Not Saving When Using Formula


I am using a formula to extract a date from a string of text. It appears to be working, but if I leave the sheet and come back later it continually reformats the date from MM/DD/YY to YYYY,MM,DD. The target columns are formatted as dates, and the original column is a dropdown list. I can change the target column format to text, and then back to date and it will again reformat the date as MM/DD/YY.

The data in the original cell is a dropdown list and formatted as: 24Q1 - 6 (03/11-03/24)

I am using this formula to extract and convert the start date: =(VALUE(2024) + "," + VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 11, 2)) + "," + VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 14, 2)))

I am using this formula to extract and convert the end date: =(VALUE(2024) + "," + VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 17, 2)) + "," + VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 20, 2)))

I appreciate any help anyone can provide

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    edited 02/26/24 Answer ✓

    @Dylan G In your formula, you are telling smartsheet to add commas between each date with this "," you can instead add "/" and it might work, or you can use these formulas below.


    =DATE(2024, VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 11, 2)), VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 14, 2)))


    =DATE(2024, VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 17, 2)), VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 20, 2)))


    Jacob Stey


  • Community Champion
    edited 02/26/24 Answer ✓

    @Dylan G In your formula, you are telling smartsheet to add commas between each date with this "," you can instead add "/" and it might work, or you can use these formulas below.


    =DATE(2024, VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 11, 2)), VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 14, 2)))


    =DATE(2024, VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 17, 2)), VALUE(MID([Targeted Date]@row, 20, 2)))


    Jacob Stey

  • ✭✭✭

    Thanks @SteyJ ! That fixed it

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