Is there a way to verify the identify of a submitter?


A form submitter may select any of the "who submitted this form" identities and the content they submit will be identified with that person. Is there a "check" process that could verify the email address of the submtter?


  • Ric T
    Ric T ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @RobinOMalley,

    There isn't an in-built identity-check within the form, but there is a security setting in the form you may enable to make it mandatory for the submitter to access the form via their Smartsheet login:

    This would mean everyone who fills in the form will require a Smartsheet login (free to signup). If you're worried about submitters writing a typo in their email, the email validation option (highlighted below) in the Contacts List field setting is very helpful:

    If you want a "check process", you could hypothetically create 2-stage form. 1st stage asking for their basic contact info (e.g. name and email address), second stage set-up an automation with an update-request delivered to their nominated email address to complete the rest of the form after the initial form is completed. Would these options work?



  • RobinOMalley

    THANKS, good ideas....

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