Check box for duplicate rows



I'm looking for some help with a formula. I have rows of request numbers, some are duplicates, and I'd like to have a box automatically check for the duplicates. The plan is to keep one of the rows then set an automation to move the row with the checkbox to an archive sheet, probably have than one set to run on a time basis like hourly. That way the sheet would only have one of the duplicate rows for an accurate count.

I have a column with all of the request numbers and I created a secondary column that is auto numbered (I saw this in a similar help thread) and I get #unparseable no matter how I tweak it.

The current formula I'm trying is:

IF(COUNTIFS(Request:Request; Request@row; ID:ID; >ID@row) > 0; 1; 0)

What I want to end up with is a sheet that contains all of our closed requests with none of the duplicates without having to export it to excel to clean it up.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you

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