Fill in Pricing based on condition of a cell

edited 03/14/24 in Formulas and Functions

Hi, I am trying to have a cell fill in pricing based on the size of a sign. so if it is a 22x28, it should be $100. The column with sign type has different drop down options... 22x28, 44x18, 110x100... and depending on what drop down is chosen there the cost should automatically be filled in.

Also not sure if it is possible to do 2 condition. If the sign type is "22x28" and the column "SS or DS" (double sided or single sided) is SS, then the cost is $100. If it is DS then the cost is let's say $175.

I am also not sure if I need to make a separate smartsheet with the pricing or if I can use one smartsheet for everything? How would you do it?


  • Razetto
    Razetto ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Berna1980 Hi, I recommend setting up two sheets, in one you can have the list of sign sizes, type (SS,DS,..) and pricing. The other sheet is your test event one that will pull from the first sheet using a collect/index formula that has both criteria the size and type. Good luck!

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