formula to populate my "health" column

This discussion was created from comments split from: Working with Symbol Formulas.

Best Answer

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Justin Bray

    This should do it:

    =IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(-74), "Empty", IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(-70), "One", IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(-60), "Two", IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(-50), "Three", IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(-40), "Four", IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(), "Five", ""))))))

    This is assuming there were a couple typos in your original post.


  • Justin Bray
    Justin Bray ✭✭✭

    I need help with a formula to populate my "health" column with a hearts based on the column "created date" and I hope someone can help. I just did the three day class, but this wasn't covered and I didn't think of it until this morning.

    If the "Created Date" is >74 days from today() it should be 0, "Empty".

    If the "Created Date" is 70-73 days from today() it should be 1, "Two".

    If the "Created Date" is 60-69 days from today() it should be 2, "Two".

    If the "Created Date" is 50-59 days from today() it should be 3, "Three".

    If the "Created Date" is 40-49 days from today() it should be 4, "Four".

    If the "Created Date" is 0-39 days from today() it should be 2, "Five".

    Thank you in advance. Cheers, Justin

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Justin Bray

    This should do it:

    =IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(-74), "Empty", IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(-70), "One", IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(-60), "Two", IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(-50), "Three", IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(-40), "Four", IF([Created]@row <= TODAY(), "Five", ""))))))

    This is assuming there were a couple typos in your original post.

  • Justin Bray
    Justin Bray ✭✭✭

    @Carson Penticuff Thank you! This worked great.

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion

    Happy to help! 👍

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