c# api v4 and home


In the recent changes of the c# sdk, /home is being replaced by /folders/personal. Yet the new endpoint, is a major regression in terms of data returned:

Workpaces are missing

Sub sheets are missing

Sub folders are missing

Sub report are missing

Sights/dashboard are missing

So I have to rebuild a tree hierarchy I'll have to do recursive call against all the tree for each folders (muliplied by 4 to list sheets, reports, folders and dashbaords).

Do you plan on keeping the former, working 'home' solution ?

If not, when will the former, working 'home' endpoint get disabled ?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Etienne Mermillod

    Yes, the new endpoint requires more calls to build the equivalent picture that was returned in /home.

    Smartsheet has been making a concerted effort to increase the resiliency of our system as we (and our customers) grow; building the entire universe of assets is not scalable. This change allows us to increase the performance and stability experienced by all of our customers.

    As a side note, in the new endpoint we do not split out sheets, dashboards, and reports. You should be seeing these come through together for any given level of the hierarchy.

    I don't have a set date for when /home will be fully deprecated, however there will be communication about this ahead of time. I would recommend changing over to  /folders/personal now, so that you are not impacted down the line.


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  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Etienne Mermillod

    Yes, the new endpoint requires more calls to build the equivalent picture that was returned in /home.

    Smartsheet has been making a concerted effort to increase the resiliency of our system as we (and our customers) grow; building the entire universe of assets is not scalable. This change allows us to increase the performance and stability experienced by all of our customers.

    As a side note, in the new endpoint we do not split out sheets, dashboards, and reports. You should be seeing these come through together for any given level of the hierarchy.

    I don't have a set date for when /home will be fully deprecated, however there will be communication about this ahead of time. I would recommend changing over to  /folders/personal now, so that you are not impacted down the line.


    Join us for Jumpstart 2025 with Community on 23 January (in two time zones)! 🎉 Register here.