Index/Match for Comparing Two Sheets


I'm having trouble combining two sheets into one space (either a third sheet or a report) where the data is grouped by a shared index. I have one sheet of contacts (name, email, phone, eligibility), and one sheet that is form-based data (yes/no answers and open-ended text). I want a way to pair our fixed contact details with the respondent data, but I can't create the right formula to unify the indexes.

Can anyone recommend the proper formula to achieve "103" populating where it says #UNPARSEABLE? Once I get that figured out, I think I can get a report to group nicely.

Best Answer

  • MichaelTCA
    MichaelTCA ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/22/24 Answer ✓


    INDEX/MATCH will allow 1 criteria. If the only criteria you want is to reference the name, then you can use that.

    The function will look something like this,

    =INDEX({Range of IDs from Source Sheet},MATCH(Name@row from Target Sheet,{Range of Names from Source Sheet},0))

    {Provider Contact List Range 4} this is referencing a range from an external source.

    [Provider Contact List Range 4]:[Provider Contact List Range 4] this is referencing a range from an internal source. (Note the square brackets)


  • MichaelTCA
    MichaelTCA ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @LauraG

    What is the current function you are trying to use?

  • LauraG

    I know it needs to be some kind of VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH, but I can't figure out the right syntax to grab the data from my contact list. Is it {Provider Contact List Range 4} or {Provider Contact List Range 4}:{Provider Contact List Range 4}? The samples I found in the help articles don't look exactly the same for cross-sheet lookups.

  • MichaelTCA
    MichaelTCA ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/22/24 Answer ✓


    INDEX/MATCH will allow 1 criteria. If the only criteria you want is to reference the name, then you can use that.

    The function will look something like this,

    =INDEX({Range of IDs from Source Sheet},MATCH(Name@row from Target Sheet,{Range of Names from Source Sheet},0))

    {Provider Contact List Range 4} this is referencing a range from an external source.

    [Provider Contact List Range 4]:[Provider Contact List Range 4] this is referencing a range from an internal source. (Note the square brackets)

  • LauraG

    Thank you!! It finally clicked!

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