Here is a tough one - Identify Route Blackouts



  • tgattsh
    tgattsh ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Paul Newcome Thanks again for your help! I wish there was something I could help you with. I was hoping you could help me add a proper "ISBLANK" into our formula. Currently if the Target Date cell is blank, the cell shows Good +0. I'd like it to remind the user to insert a target date if that cell was blank.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Target Date]@row, "Insert Target Date", IF(COUNTIFS({Route Blackouts V1 Area-Route}, @cell = [Area-Route]@row, {Route Blackouts V1 Start}, @cell <= [Target Date]@row, {Route Blackouts V1 End}, @cell >= [Target Date]@row) = 0, "Good", "BO") + " +" + (MIN(COLLECT(IF(COUNTIFS({Route Blackouts V1 Area-Route}, @cell = [Area-Route]@row, {Route Blackouts V1 Start}, @cell <= [Target Date]@row, {Route Blackouts V1 End}, @cell >= [Target Date]@row) = 0, {Route Blackouts V1 Start}, {Route Blackouts V1 End}), IF(COUNTIFS({Route Blackouts V1 Area-Route}, @cell = [Area-Route]@row, {Route Blackouts V1 Start}, @cell <= [Target Date]@row, {Route Blackouts V1 End}, @cell >= [Target Date]@row) = 0, {Route Blackouts V1 Start}, {Route Blackouts V1 End}), @cell >= [Target Date]@row, {Route Blackouts V1 Area-Route}, @cell = [Area-Route]@row)) - [Target Date]@row)))

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    It looks like you just forgot to close your ISBLANK function out. Take one of the closing parenthesis from the very end and put it right after that first [Target Date]@row.

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