Help with a formula!

This discussion was created from comments split from: Formatting Column of Numbers To Text.


  • Santiagogr1
    Santiagogr1 ✭✭
    edited 06/03/24

    I am working with text and numbers. Somehow, when I put a percentage, in my summary sheet it takes it as a value of a currency and converts it to "0.10 USD$" in te case of "10%". I would like to strictly have all the data in my cells to be taken as text so if I write text, it takes it as it is and if I have a number, it will also take it as it is written so if I write "10%" in the cell, the summary sheet doesnt show me 0.10, or 0.10 USD$.

    I dont have a problem adding a helper column to automate my stuff, does this formula =[Number Column Name]@row + "" could work?

  • Hi @Santiagogr1

    It sounds like there may be some formatting applied to that column and/or cell, could that be possible?

    If you click on the column name, see if any of the formatting buttons are highlighted. You'll want to take off the currency setting. This should keep it a s a plan Text/Number column:


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