Calculating Average Submissions Per Day Formula

This discussion was created from comments split from: Calculating Average Submissions Per Day Formula.


  • Sara Kouba
    Sara Kouba ✭✭✭

    I would also like to find a formula to use to count submissions per day and return an average.

  • Vince Darrigo
    Vince Darrigo ✭✭✭✭

    @Sara Kouba would this work for you? My example uses Absence Date, you would replace that with Submission Date and have your average. I hope this helps!

    =COUNT([Absence Date]:[Absence Date]) / COUNT(DISTINCT([Absence Date]:[Absence Date]))

    In my example sheet here I have 4944 entries/submissions, on 35 different days (used DISTINCT in the formula so I can count the unique days to divide the submissions by). 4944 (first half of formula) divided by 35 (second half of formula) comes out to 141.25 submissions per day. I don't usually do things like this in the same sheet where the data is, but wanted to put this in an easy to screenshot view :)

  • Sara Kouba
    Sara Kouba ✭✭✭

    I will try this! Thank you! My ultimate goal is to get this information onto a dashboard. I would love to do so with a way to have drop downs on the dashboard to specify a range of time to calculate the average submissions between the two dates. I have to do this to get information for 26 separate, but identical, sheets.

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