DOB Formula

We have an intake form that collects DOB, I would like to have a formula that looks at what age they will be on a future date. I can't seem to figure out a formula that will tell me how old they will be on a future date. Does anyone have a formula that would work for this?


  • PM_Reeves
    PM_Reeves ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @ai Bandits Orchard

    This isn't exactly what you need, but I suspect it could be amended to get what you want.

    I used it to determine the length of contracts and put that into Years and Months.

    =ROUND(ROUND((NETDAYS([Start Date]@row, [Expiry Date]@row) / 365) * 12) / 12) + "yrs" + MOD(ROUND((NETDAYS([Start Date]@row, [Expiry Date]@row) / 365) * 12), 12) + "mo"

    I'd suggest using DOB in place of Start Date and using your target date as Expiry Date.

    I hasten to add that this is not my formula by any stretch of the imagination, I found it whilst searching.

    This could be an alternate

    Paul Reeves. MBA, LSSBB

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