Checkbox for Duplicates Except Those That are Unique


I have a sheet that has lists of names, many are duplicates. I want to move the list of names into a report however I only want to see unique names in the report. To do this I need to flag the duplicates so I can filter them out in my report.

So far I have created a helper column that is counting the number of duplicates called "Duplicate Helper"

=COUNTIF([Candidate Name]:[Candidate Name], [Candidate Name]@row)

I also have another checkbox column that is to flag rows that have a duplicate

=IF([Duplicate Helper]@row > 1, 1, 0)

What I'm missing is the mechanism ensure the first unique name is not flagged as a duplicate. For example, if I have a list as follows:


The result I would like is that only the first instance of Beth and Anna are unchecked, the second instance are considered duplicates and are flagged. I'm not sure how to accomplish this.


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