Formula for adding percentages of a single resource with multiple tasks.


I am trying to get the sum of several percentages within a range that meet certain criteria. I have tried to make the formula on my own and by using the AI Formula generator to help but I keep getting errors with the results (either #DIVIDE BY ZERO or #INVALIDE OPERATION)

Here is my example:

So I want to add the total for the 4 percentages in "Resource 1 Allocation" column for the duplicated resource in Resource 1 column and have it display on all 4 lines of the Column46. My sheet is currently filtered, so the sum would need to include a criterion of "High" in the Resource 1 Alert column. So, I would want 675% to show in Column46 for this resource.

I am thinking It may be an issue with the percentages as numbers, etc, as I have seen some posts with that error in the past. However, in general I want to know how I can add the sum of multiple rows that meet certain criteria.

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