Summary Count w/ Multiple Criteria

Help please! I am trying to use the sheet summary to count with two criteria - Test Status and Region. I want to see the number of test scenarios that are in the US and Not Started, as well as Europe/Not Started, India/Not Started, etc. I have tried several variations of what I thought would work and I'm still getting #UNPAREABLE.

=COUNTIFS(CHILDREN([Test Status]1:[Test Status]1292), "Not Started"), AND(CHILDREN([Region1:Region1292]), "US")

=COUNTIFS(CHILDREN([Test Status]1:[Test Status]1292), "Not Started"), (CHILDREN([Region1:Region1292]), "US")

=COUNTIFS(CHILDREN([Test Status]1:[Test Status]1292)), "Not Started", (CHILDREN([Region1:Region1292])), "US")


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