Formula issue


Can I …..

So in my Traceker Sheet- I want to return a co- ordinators email when the relevanant team is selected - when "White Collar is select in the Tracker sheet, return the correct Email from the data sheet

Best Answer

  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You can do this from another sheet using an index/match or an index/collect formula. Something like this should work: =INDEX(COLLECT({Co Ordinators Email}, {Team}, Team@row))


  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You can do this from another sheet using an index/match or an index/collect formula. Something like this should work: =INDEX(COLLECT({Co Ordinators Email}, {Team}, Team@row))

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