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Kanban Board by Team Member

CMKrapf ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

We're using the card view for a company Kanban board. However, we also want each team member to have a personal Kanban board that just tracks the projects they're assigned to. Right now we're linking cells to a separate sheet for each person which is time consuming and needs to be manually updated every time a new card is added. Is there a way to automate this? A drop down menu for each team member so they can sort by their tasks? Any better way to do it that would also maintain the visual tracking of where each task is in the workflow?



  • You can create a shared filter based off the active user. Go to your sheet, right click a column head and select "Show Filter Menu". Click the down arrow and select new filter. Name the filter and make sure you check "Share Filter"

    Select the column with your assign to, filter is "is one of" and the value would be "Current User", then apply. (Note: you have to have the assign to column set to contact list format) You could also setup a filter per users instead of using "Current User"

    Just have your users apply the filter and it will give them there own view. 

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