INDEX & MATCH not providing expected OUTPUT

NCNWIncData ✭✭✭
edited 07/22/24 in Formulas and Functions

Good Evening,

The sheet I am working has Unique IDs inputted by the users, however, the Section/Chapter Name for each Unique ID is generate on a different sheet called the Chapter/Section Awardee Notification, scroll to the bottom

I would like to reference the Section/Chapters Names and align them with their respective Unique IDs on my current sheet I am working on below, see first image. I have attempted a few variations of the current formula but the output I get is shown below in the Section/Chapter Name Column in the first image.

=INDEX({Chapter/Section Awardee Notification}, MATCH([Record your Chapter/Section/Club Unique ID]@row, {Chapter/Section Awardee Notification Range 1}))

Formula Translation =INDEX({Chapter/Section Awardee Notification pull Section/Chapter Name}, MATCH([Record your Chapter/Section/Club Unique ID with inputted Unique ID]@row, {Chapter/Section Awardee Notification Range 1 pull Quarter - Chapter/Section/Club Unique ID}))

Current Sheet I am working on:

Chapter/Section Awardee Notification reference for each Unique ID their is a specific Section/Chapter Name

Thanks for your thoughts on this

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @NCNWIncData

    Before trying any other modifications to your formula, please try adding the Search_type to your formula. Personally, I consider this a mandatory field even though it is written as optional.

    =INDEX({Chapter/Section Awardee Notification}, MATCH([Record your Chapter/Section/Club Unique ID]@row, {Chapter/Section Awardee Notification Range 1},0))

    Does this solve your issue?


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @NCNWIncData

    Before trying any other modifications to your formula, please try adding the Search_type to your formula. Personally, I consider this a mandatory field even though it is written as optional.

    =INDEX({Chapter/Section Awardee Notification}, MATCH([Record your Chapter/Section/Club Unique ID]@row, {Chapter/Section Awardee Notification Range 1},0))

    Does this solve your issue?

  • NCNWIncData
    NCNWIncData ✭✭✭

    Good Evening Kelly,

    Yes this worked perfectly! Question, I assume when you suggested including the Search_type you added the "0"? How does the "0" indicate the Search_type?

    Thanks for your brilliant mind,


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @NCNWIncData

    The link below may help understand the search_type definition. Although I know the formula syntax indicates that the search_type is an optional entry this is not what I have experienced. I consider the search_type to be required - and I've never used anything but the zero in all of my Matches. That's been my personal experience. I'm glad the zero worked.


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