Reoccurring Calendar Dates

I think this is quite complicated so i will try and make it as simple as possible.

There is a date when a site goes live {Go Live Date}, when one of those dates are imputed I want it to automatically be added to a calendar for annual maintenance which is based off the go live date. Then i want it to automatically roll over every year adding more and more {Go Live Date} as they get added.


  • Jason Tarpinian
    Jason Tarpinian ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You might be able to use a couple of helper columns (depending on how far into the calendar you want to go). For the "Next Maintenance" column, use the formula below. This will return the go live date of the current year, or next, if that date would've already passed.

    =IF(DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH([Go Live Date]@row), DAY([Go Live Date]@row)) < TODAY(), DATE(YEAR(TODAY()) + 1, MONTH([Go Live Date]@row), DAY([Go Live Date]@row)), DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH([Go Live Date]@row), DAY([Go Live Date]@row)))

    Then, for as many years as you'd like to go out, just use the DATE() function and add one year to the previous maintenance date.

    These dates will dynamically update as the dates come to pass and years change.

    Jason Tarpinian - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

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