If Condition with TODAY() - Need to adjust count

Hello Experts,

I am writing the following formula

Start Date - 01/01/2024

Target Completion Date - 07/26/2024

=IF([Target Completion Date]@row > TODAY(), "On-Track", IF([Target Completion Date]@row < TODAY(), "Past Due Date", IF([Target Completion Date]@row = TODAY(), "Approaching Due Date")))

In the "Approaching Due Date" - I have the value as "=TODAY()".

However, I need to adjust today with 3 days early bugger. May be if TODAY value coming at 07/24/2026 in system, I should get the update and NOT exactly on the 07/26/2024


  • Nic Larsen
    Nic Larsen ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    =IF([Target Completion Date]@row > TODAY(), "On-Track", IF(OR([Target Completion Date]@row = TODAY(), [Target Completion Date]@row >= TODAY(-3)), "Approaching Due Date", "Past Due"

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