Using values from a cell in a previous row and circular reference issues

I am trying to create a “simple” sheet to track tasks and projected completions based on the task priority with the sheet sorted by priority.

The intent is to have the next priority start after the previous is completed.

From other help questions I was able to determine that I could get start date from the previous completion date using:

                =IF(priority@row = 1, TODAY(), IFERROR(INDEX(finish:finish, (row@row - 1)), "Error"))

This equation works well whenever the finish date is entered manually, however when the finish date is a function of the start date and duration


This creates a circular reference for the start date.  I believe this is because the finish date is in the INDEX function for the whole column.

Is there a way to manipulate the finish@row variable to be split into two separate variables, one for column and one for row that can be equation (@row-1) without using the index?

Or is there a way to mask the formula in the finish column preventing it from creating the circular reference?


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