Error Check - Combining multiple IF/AND statements for calculation based status.

Hello, hope you are having a great day, I have issues using IF/AND combinations in formulae. I am trying to get a status off the percentage calculated in a different field (percentage value) and keep getting this error that says - #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET

This is my Formula- Details8 is the field where the percentage is calculated

=IF(Details8 = 0, "Not Started", IF(AND(Details8 >= 0.01, Details8 <= 0.59), "Below Expectations"), IF(AND(Details8 >= 0.6, Details8 <= 0.7), "Needs Improvement"), IF(AND(Details8 >= 0.8, Details8 <= 0.94), "Meeting Expectations"), IF(AND(Details8 >= 0.95, "Exceeding Expectations")))

Any and all assistance here would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!


  • Todd M Keller
    Todd M Keller ✭✭✭✭

    Looks like your very last "AND statement is not necessary and may be the source of your error. Maybe try something like the following?

    =IF(Details8 = 0, "Not Started", IF(AND(Details8 >= 0.01, Details8 <= 0.59), "Below Expectations"), IF(AND(Details8 >= 0.6, Details8 <= 0.7), "Needs Improvement"), IF(AND(Details8 >= 0.8, Details8 <= 0.94), "Meeting Expectations"), IF(Details8 >= 0.95, "Exceeding Expectations"))

  • Kavish
    Kavish ✭✭

    Thank you, sir, I figured the AND was needed right after I posted this. Thank you so much it is working now.

  • Nic Larsen
    Nic Larsen ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    To add - you're also closing your arguments off so it can't move on.

    =IF(Details8 = 0, "Not Started", IF(AND(Details8 >= 0.01, Details8 <= 0.59), "Below Expectations", IF(AND(Details8 >= 0.6, Details8 <= 0.7), "Needs Improvement", IF(AND(Details8 >= 0.8, Details8 <= 0.94), "Meeting Expectations", IF(Details8 >= 0.95, "Exceeding Expectations"))

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