Using variables in Hierarchy logic

Is there any way to get the parent row number of a task from another Hierarchy. Im using a function that can call get information of its predecessor task, its working but i want to get information from that same predecessor's parent row.

IF(TRUE STATMENT , (INDEX([% Complete]:[% Complete], VALUE(Predecessors@row + "") - YYY ) * 100 + "%"), "False")

The YYY can be edited manually to call the parent task but I'm looking to make it into a column formula that can automatically find the parent task number related to the Predecessor Row number. This would be easy if you could use a variable in the parent function like

=PARENT([% Complete]1841) This works

=PARENT([% Complete]1841+1) Does not work

=PARENT([% Complete](1841)) Does not work

=PARENT([% Complete](1841+1)) Does not work

Does any one know of a way to solve this?



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