Get the first column from a table.

I have a table reference: {Checkbox Table}
I would like to get the percentage of all the checked boxes, but by column.
Ex) What % of boxes are checked in column 1? Column 2? etc.
How can I modify this formula:

=COUNTIF({Checkbox Table}, =1) / COUNT({Checkbox Table})

to allow me to do that? I have a lot of columns in this table so it would be really time consuming to create an individual reference to each column, which is why I am approaching it this way.

Best Answer

  • nickmirig
    nickmirig ✭✭
    edited 08/01/24 Answer ✓

    @Paul Newcome Hi Paul, I was actually able to find a solution to this.
    If I want to count the checkboxes checked in column N of the table, I can use the formula:

    =COUNTIF(INDEX({Checkbox Table}, 0, N), =1)

    Then I just divide that by the total number of checkboxes:

    =COUNT(INDEX({Checkbox Table}, 0, N))


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