Count distinct Collect

This formula does exactly what I want it to do. It counts one of a duplicate or triplicate value. Is there anyway to make it count only when there is more than 1 (IE duplicate) otherwise return "0".

=COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT({IFS Contract #}, {Sales Manager Name Only}, "manager")))


  • heyjay
    heyjay ✭✭✭✭✭
    =IF(COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT({IFS Contract #}, {Sales Manager Name Only}, "manager"))) > 1 ,
     COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT({IFS Contract #}, {Sales Manager Name Only}, "manager"))) , 0)


  • TDobson
    TDobson ✭✭✭
    edited 07/31/24

    Thank you, however if i have followed your directions correctly it is still returning the exact number of entry's when there are no duplicates in the column. The number 35 needs to be 0. if there are entrys but no duplicates.

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